“Journey Within Silent Retreat” A 4-Day Weekend of Silent Meditation
With Anne Sussman and Heather Berg


Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing

March 22-25, 2025

“Journey Within”- Those who have attended before will recognize the way I lovingly guide you through the silence with different meditation techniques taught throughout our time together. Those new to a silent retreat will feel well cared for and will be able to learn and grow their connection with the deepest part of who they are—which is the greatest gift of spending time in silence, away from the distractions of the world and the bombardment of the news and stress of living in our current climate.

For many, the thought of a silent retreat provokes one question: Why? People find the concept intriguing, but are dubious that they would be able to sustain the silence. Yet, once they take the leap they discover the powerful benefits:
a break from technology and the bombardment of sound, a retreat from busy lives, the respite of deep silence.
Join us to reflect, get still, and listen to the voice of your Soul.

This is an opportunity to shut out the world for the weekend and sink deep into yourself. No phones. No television. No work. No news. No distractions. Just the deep inner peace that can only arrive when the distractions disappear.

Our time together will include:

  • Many different types of meditation techniques, including body and breath awareness, deep belly breathing practice, mantra , Loving Kindness, mountain meditation, open monitoring, focused attention practice, coloring meditation, walking meditation, and eating meditation

  • Gentle and restorative yoga will be guided by the wonderful Heather Berg

  • Sharing in large group discussion before and after we enter silence