Work with Anne one-on-one, either in person or virtually. Personalized instruction for total beginners, or those who want to deepen their practice.
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6-Sessions (includes the Awaken Package)
Strengthen your journey
9-Sessions (includes Awaken and Shift Packages)
Awaken- 3 Sessions
Begin the practice of Meditation and Mindfulness, based on the trademarked (SEED) Simple Easy Every Day method. Learn about stress and how it affects your health and the scientific research that proves Meditation can change your brain! Discover the physical, emotional and psychological benefits. Develop your breath/body awareness practice. Learn “Peace Finder” techniques that you can use when you are unable to meditate. Understand how Mindfulness can better your life, and bring a “Beginner’s mind” to all you do. This is the nuts and bolts for making Meditation a daily habit. Your investment $450
Shift- 6 Sessions
This SHIFT package begins with the three sessions of the AWAKEN package then continues on to expand you practice with the next three sessions. Once you have a few weeks of a consistent meditation practice, a SHIFT in your life becomes evident. During the Shift, you will learn Mantra practice and about the experience of Transcendence. You will begin to incorporate this powerful method into your daily breath/body awareness practice. You will learn the art of Self- Compassion, the difference between that and Self- Esteem and why it’s an integral piece of the meditation puzzle, and the person you are becoming. Using a “Loving your Body”meditation is the perfect compliment to the art of Self- Compassion. Lastly you will learn the ancient practice of Loving Kindness Meditation and Heart- Centered breath that can help to heal relationships, those with yourself and others. Your investment $800
Transform- 9 Sessions
TRANSFORM includes the AWAKEN and SHIFT packages and then offers the opportunity to strengthen your journey with the next three sessions. When week six of regular meditation rolls around you are ready to delve deeper, creating a life from a “Soul- Centered” place. Living a truly authentic life, guided by your intuition, leads to calmer, happier, more benevolent existence. Your relationships are improving , and everyone around you notices the positive changes in you. Anxiety is becoming a thing of the past and you’ll be ready to cultivate a Gratitude practice as well as Self- Inquiry practice, learning what is your heart’s deepest desire and working toward making it a reality in your life. Options of Mindful Eating and Walking Meditations as well as Candle Flame Meditations and more are offered. You will learn the difference between focused and open- monitoring meditations and how to maximize your practice. At the end of almost 3 short months the overwhelming positive benefits of your daily practice will be undeniable. You know you are transformed by your commitment to the life-changing practice of Meditation and Mindfulness! Your investment $1,000