We live in a society that offers us only the “Declinist Paradigm” for aging. It’s time to change that! As Women, we are often defined by our roles in relation to others: mother, wife, daughter. But many of those roles begin to change as we age. When these external ways of defining ourselves begin to shift, spiritual practice can help uncover what we know to be true, that our soul is eternal. Let’s age with grace, joy and resilience, even in the face of the change that inevitably comes.
Now over 65, I am happier and feels better in my body than ever before. The best can be yet to come for you. too. Throughout this weekend you will connect with other women 50-ish and beyond. Together, you will:
Meditate, including Guided Meditations
Experience a “Life Review” journey
Engage in small and large group discussion and sharing
Create vision boards
Practice gentle yoga and movement
Anne Sussman is a graduate of “Wise Aging” taught by the late Rabbi a Rachel Cowan, founder of “The Institute for Jewish Spirituality “ in New York City